Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Florida Amendment 2 Would Provide for Further Homestead Tax breaks for deployed military personnel


Here is some information on Amendment 2 to the Florida Constitution. The arguments come from the Collins Center for Public Policy:

What it would do: Instruct the Legislature to enact an additional homestead exemption for Florida homeowners on active military service outside the country. The size of the tax break would be based on the amount of time served overseas in the previous year.

Arguments for: Military personnel based overseas are performing important services for our country at considerable sacrifice. This amendment would help compensate them for that service.

Arguments against: Providing an additional exemption to certain property owners would reduce tax collections by hard-pressed local governments.

Frankly, our military personnel are not compensated nearly as much as they should be for the sacrifices and risks they voluntarily undertake on our behalf. This would also benefit the families of those serving. I am in favor of this Amendment.

Patriot Mark
If you want to save our country and our freedoms, vote and vote for the most conservative candidate on the ballot. Vote for those initiatives which reduce or eliminate government control and interference in our lives.

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