Monday, October 25, 2010

Amendments 5 & 6 Would Change the Way Re-districting Would be done


Here is some information on Amendment 5 to the Florida Constitution. The arguments come from the Collins Center for Public Policy:

What it would do: Amendment 5 would require that legislative districts not be drawn to favor one political party over another or deny minorities equal opportunity to participate in the political process.

Arguments for: Incumbents, both Democrat and Republican, have traditionally drawn district boundaries to give themselves political advantage. Redistricting should not favor any incumbent or party.

Arguments against: The amendment might reduce minority representation. Abiding by the amendment would be difficult, and redistricting under its strictures could lead to a flurry of lawsuits.


Here is some information on Amendment 6 to the Florida Constitution. The arguments come from the Collins Center for Public Policy:

What it would do: Amendment 6 would require that congressional districts not be drawn to favor one political party over another or deny minorities equal opportunity to participate in the political process.

Arguments for: Incumbents, both Democrat and Republican, have traditionally drawn district boundaries to give themselves political advantage. Redistricting should not favor any incumbent or party.

Arguments against: The amendment might reduce minority representation. Abiding by the amendment would be difficult, and redistricting under its strictures could lead to a flurry of lawsuits.

I am voting NO on both of these. Remember, we are a REPUBLIC, not a democracy. The leftists, liberals and progressives want a democracy, because it works on mob rule. Our Founding Fathers specifically set up the government to prevent mob rule. From past experience, because this is supported by leftist, liberal and progressive groups, the law of unintended consequences will prevail. Thus, the arguments against will most assuredly come to fruition. I also know that when the liberal trial lawyers support it, it will become nothing more than a lawyer employment protection act. The courts should not be involved in what is a legislative process. The courts are not empowered or qualified to decide the issues of redistricting. The courts are not and never were intended to be the branch of last resort in these matters. Because the guidelines are so strict and so detailed, any minority (except white Anglo-Saxon Protestant Males) will be able to scream foul, file a law suit, and tie up the process. This is a horrible idea.

Patriot Mark

If you want to save our country and our freedoms, vote, and vote for the most conservative candidate on the ballot. Vote for those initiatives which reduce or eliminate government control and interference in our lives. Vote against those initiatives which increase government's power and control over the individual and private entities. Vote in favor of those individuals and items that are in line with our Founding Principles.

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At October 26, 2010 at 12:07 AM, Blogger The Barking Spider said...

If the Dems had a majority in the state legislature would 5 & 6 even be on the ballot?

At October 26, 2010 at 7:33 PM, Blogger Patriot Mark said...

Barking Spider, you are right. If the despotcRATs controlled the state legislature, this would not be an issue. In fact, like the Tyrant-and-Liar-in-Chief, they would be treating it like the spoils of conquest.


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