Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Amendment 8 Would Loosen the Class Size Requirements


Here is some information on Amendment 8 to the Florida Constitution. The arguments come from the Collins Center for Public Policy:

What it would do: Amendment 8 would revise the class size requirements for public schools.

Arguments for: Proponents of the amendment argue that its cost is simply too high in today's poor economy. They say the state can't afford to build more classrooms and hire more teachers. They say the amendment would provide needed flexibility that does not exist in the Constitution as amended in 2002.

Arguments against: Opponents say the state's voters made it clear in 2002 that they wanted to limit class sizes. Smaller classes make a better learning environment, they argue. The statewide teachers' union, the Florida Education Association, opposes the bill. The union is calling on the state to fulfill the constitutional mandate and implement the limits approved at the ballot box.

I am in favor of this amendment. Education is a participation sport -- i.e., the students must actively participate in their own education. Based on my experience both as a student and as a parent of students, the class size is not as important a factor in educating students, as is the ability of the teacher to motivate the students to want to learn and to show the students how to learn. Teachers are really facilitators. They cannot open the students' heads and pour the knowledge into the brain cavity. Besides, if class size were a factor, then no freshman in college would get good grades any of their first year classes. Unfortunately, the unions convinced everyone that students would not learn unless classes were small. I have seen no evidence that smaller class sizes have significantly improved test scores, grades, discipline, etc.

Patriot Mark

If you want to save our country and our freedoms, vote, and vote for the most conservative candidate on the ballot. Vote for those initiatives which reduce or eliminate government control and interference in our lives. Vote against those initiatives which increase government's power and control over the individual and private entities. Vote in favor of those individuals and items that are in line with our Founding Principles.

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