Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Exercising the Constitutional Option

Here is the guts of the letter I have sent to my Senators and to Senator Frist, today, in support of their use of the Constitutional Option to stop the filibustering of the judicial nominees of President Bush. Feel free to use it. The source of the letter is from
God Bless you, the BSA, America and our Troops.
--Patriot Mark
Dear Senator:
Please help to stop the UNCONSTITUTIONAL filibustering of President Bush's judicial nominees.

It is interesting that it was Sen. Byrd who led the charge to establish new Senate precedents in 1977, 1979, 1980, and 1987 -- including a number of precedents that were designed specifically to stop filibusters. Now, he is leading the charge, with to support the unconstitutional filibustering of judicial nominations. So once again, the folks on the left are nothing more than blatant hypocrites.

But of course, that's not keeping them from trying to stop the Senate from fulfilling its constitutional duty to "advise and consent" on the President's nominees... so now it's up to YOU and your colleagues to STOP and their partners-in-crime in the Senate.

Now is a GREAT time for you to take a stand against judicial tyranny and DemocRAT obstructionism. Over sixty conservative groups have declared TODAY (3/16) a day of protest against the UNCONSTITUTIONAL filibuster of qualified conservative judicial nominees. I am asking you to make the voices of us who believe in this country and its constitutional principles heard LOUDER than the far left's voices.

You know that the only reason liberal senators are filibustering these nominees is because they know that each one has the majority support necessary for confirmation. This typical of liberals -- if they can't win playing by the rules, they change the rules, and that's precisely what they've done with this new concept of "judicial filibusters". As you also know, confirmation of a judicial nominee only requires 51 votes, and there are 55 Republican senators. But ending a filibuster requires 60 votes.

I expect you and your fellow Senators to do your jobs, which includes voting on the confirmation of each judicial nominee. I expect you and your fellow Senators to follow the Constitiution and uphold your oath to support the Constitution. If any Senator opposes one of President Bush's nominees, that Senator will have the right to vote against confirmation, in an up-or-down vote before the full Senate. But no Senator has the righ to prevent the Senate from voting at all.
So, now is the time to stop the obstructionists by exercising the CONSTITUTIONAL option. It is time to vote that the judicial filibuster rule ended with the last session of Congress, or that filibusters can't be used against judicial nominations. I INSIST that you support the Constitutional Option.
