Monday, May 31, 2010

Net Neutrality Destroys Freedom

Net neutrality is nothing more than government control of private activity and business. Net neutrality will allow the government to control content on the internet. That leads to a reduction of freedom and liberty for the individual. Those of us who believe in freedom understand that government control of information means government control of thought and beliefs. We instinctively know that this is wrong in this country, which was built on the idea that government is limited in its power over the individual. We understand and believe, just as our Founding Fathers did, that our rights come from God and that “We the People” have given some of those rights to the government so that we can live in an ordered society. We also know that information is power, and that the power is in the hands of the people, not some government bureaucrat.

The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights guarantee and protect that bedrock principle. Those who advocate net neutrality do not believe in freedom and liberty. Well . . . they do believe in freedom and liberty, but only when the words or positions of others agree with their viewpoint. According to the proponents of net neutrality, you can be free to agree with them all you want. But, when you disagree with them or show them where they are wrong, then you must be silenced. Disagreement or dissent will not be tolerated by those who wish to control us.

True freedom exists when all viewpoints, opinions and ideas are allowed to be spoken and put forth. The First Amendment clearly states that “Congress shall make NO LAW . . . abridging the freedom of speech.” With even a rudimentary understanding of English, it is abundantly clear that NO LAW means NO LAW, including “net neutrality.” Political speech was meant to be the most highly protected of all speech. The right to truly free speech dovetails into “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” The voices of the people, who consent to be governed, must not be silenced or controlled by the government.

Net neutrality is a law that is unequivocally prohibited by the First Amendment. The internet grew the way it did, and has become a place where the individual has real power, because of the lack of government control and regulation. The internet gives the individual real power to get his message out and to find answers. The liberals, lefties, progressives, socialists, and political elites hate the internet and the free flow of information it provides, because it threatens their desire to control the minds, words and actions of the masses. Cable programming has grown so fast and has become the source of information for many people, because it is not as controlled as the “public airwaves” are by the government. “Alternative” media are hated by the liberals, lefties, progressives, socialists, and political elites, because it gives out information that often disagrees with the “party” line, or it exposes the truth that they wish to keep hidden. The liberals, lefties, progressives, socialists, and political elites think that the rest of us are too stupid to know what is good for us. They think they know better about how we should live, what we should eat, what our children should learn in school, what kind of cars we should drive, what kind of light bulbs we should use, how hot or cold we should set our thermostats, what we should be allowed to read, watch or listen to, etc., etc., etc., etc.

The internet is an open market place of information. It is unfettered capitalsim. The liberals, lefties, progressives, socialists, and political elites hate capitalism because capitalism is freedom, and freedom is capitalism. Capitalism is also an expression of individual desires and dreams. The liberals, lefties, progressives, socialists, and political elites hate that also. They are more interested in the “common good” or the collective. They would rather be herding us like sheep toward their goal for us. But, we are not sheep to be herded by the elites. Our system guarantees equal protection under the law; it does not guarantee equal results by law. But, the latter is exactly what the liberals, lefties, progressives, socialists, and political elites want to promote. And the latter is socialism, pure and simple.

History has shown us, and is showing us now (e.g., Greece, Europe), that socialism does not work and will never work. But, the liberals, lefties, progressives, socialists, and political elites think that they are smarter, more educated, and are better equipped to get different results from doing the same things that have been tried before. Isn’t insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? FDR and his regime did the same things that the Tyrant-and-Liar-in-Chief (T&LIC) and his regime are now trying to do to “fix” the problems that were originally created by the government. FDR and his regime failed, and so will the T&LIC and his regime. Patrick Henry said, “The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.” Unfortunately, the T&LIC and his regime full of thugs, cronies, cheaters and criminals believe that it is an instrument to restrain the people. And net neutrality is the latest weapon in their arsenal to control and restrain the people and freedom.

Humans have a natural desire to be free. God wants us to be free. Our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution and our Bill of Rights guarantee our individual freedom. Governments want to control human behavior, thoughts, and actions. The liberals, lefties, progressives, socialists, and political elites especially want to control human behavior, thoughts, and actions. We must have, and are guaranteed, a free and unfettered market place where ideas can be put forth and discussed and debated. The true test of one’s belief in freedom of speech occurs when one is confronted with speech that one finds offensive or disagreeable. If you believe in freedom in general, and freedom of speech, in particular, you can clearly see how sinister net neutrality is. Net neutrality is a tool of present-day despots, tyrants and dictators. We do not want or need it here.

Remember those who paid the ultimate price to obtain, preserve and protect our freedom.
God bless you.
God bless our troops.
God bless the BSA.
God bless America.

Patriot Mark

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Friday, May 07, 2010

Effect of Arizona Immigration Law on Florida

I am a second generation American. My grandparents were brought here by their parents in 1910 from Czechoslovakia and Germany. They came here legally. I am proud of my heritage. I am an American, not an hyphenated American.

I have been railing against the federal government's handling of the ILLEGAL immigration issues since 2001. Todd Marks must be applauded for standing up for us citizens and legal immigrants.

Unfortunately, the debate has been misdirected. The mainstream media in conjunction with the regime in D.C., Al Sharpton, and others are trying to make this a race issue, when it is actually a matter of safety, security, sovereignty and economics. We do not need new comprehensive immigration reform. We have had enough of that over the last few decades, and you see where that has gotten us. Previous attempts at amnesty and fixing paths to citizenship have only resulted in a bigger flood of ILLEGAL immigration.

First, we need to seal the borders. We also need elected officials and law enforcement with the steely fortitude to fully enforce the laws that are already on the books. If we do that, it would remove most, if not all of the incentives that draw the ILLEGAL immigrants, here. If we make the decision to fully enforce the present immigration laws, we will not have to worry about rounding up the ILLEGALS and deporting them. If they cannot exploit the perks of our country, they will leave and go home. If there are no benefits available to them because they cannot show that they are legally here, they will have to go elsewhere.

We have already seen examples of the effect strict enforcement will have on the ILLEGALS. After Arizona passed its law requiring state law enforcement to enforce the federal immigration laws already in effect, I saw an interview of an ILLEGAL immigrant lady who was moving her family from Arizona to Colorado because of the passage of the law. She was moving even though the law has not yet become effective. In this case, just the threat of strict enforcement was enough to cause the ILLEGAL immigrant to leave.

We are a sovereign nation which has the fundamental right and duty to protect and preserve its sovereignty and protect its citizens. Many politicians on both sides of the aisle have shown no concern for acting in the best interest of this sovereign nation or its citizens. Instead, they are acting in their own self-interest. They seem only interested in finding more voters they can buy off with pork and earmarks. We don't need any more career politicians in our elected offices. We need citizens who take a temporary leave from their private lives to serve their country and their fellow citizens and then return to their private lives. We need elected officials who will do the right thing for this nation and its citizens, rather than do whatever is expedient to insure their re-election. We need more people like Todd Marks seeking public offices.

God Bless you.
God Bless our Troops.
God Bless the BSA.
God Bless America.

Patriot Mark

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