Thursday, March 05, 2009

I Want B. Hussein Obama to Fail

Failure of the President will in this case keep some semblance of what our Founding Fathers created intact. If B. Hussein Obama succeeds, the America our parents turned over to us will be lost, and the blood, tears, lives and property that our Founding Fathers and the others who fought to preserve our way of life, spilled and lost, will have been spilled and lost in vain. If B. Hussein Obama has his way, we will turn into a copy of France and the other socialistic countries who are financially and morally bankrupt and where liberty as we know it no longer exists. If B. Hussein Obama succeeds, the government will be even more intrusive in our lives. With that intrusiveness, comes less and less freedom. With that intrusiveness, comes bureaucrats telling each of us what kind of house we can live in, how much we can earn, what cars we can drive, what kind of light bulbs we can use, how much food we can buy, what language we can use, what words we are prohibited from using, what we can read, what we can think, etc.

So, yes I want THIS president to fail, because his success means the destruction of the USA as a beacon of liberty and freedom. The destruction of this country by B. Hussein Obama and his henchmen would decrease the standard of living of everyone living here, and of every other person on this earth. I want B. Hussein Obama to fail. I pray to God every day that people in this country will wake up and see that they are allowing themselves to be enslaved by this president and his policies. I, as a person who believes in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, and who understands what the Founding Fathers wanted and were trying to do to create Liberty and Freedom for mankind, want B. Hussein Obama to fail. The socialism and fascism that B. Hussein Obama is pushing has failed every time it has been tried. It is extremely arrogant of the president and his henchmen to believe that they can do it better. I do not want this country to repeat the same mistakes.

Some people ask, "Isn't the government better suited to solve the economic probelems in which find ourselves?" First, this economic mess was created by Presidents FDR, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton, and Senators Barney Frank, B. Hussein Obama, Chris Dodd, Chuck Schumer and all of the rest of the liberals and DemocRATs, when they enacted the Community Reinvestment Act and then used the Justice Department and groups such as ACORN to threaten and badger banks to make loans to people who would not normally qualify for houses they could not afford, and allowed Frank Raines and others in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to cook the books so they could pay themselves millions of dollars in bonuses. Bonuses that were based on false numbers. Efforts by George Bush and others to correct the problems with Fannie and Freddie were prevented by the DemocRATs. B. Hussein Obama and his henchmen continue to create fear by their pronouncements. There is nothing positive in this administration's message. Their vision is bigger government spending more and more money. Second, George Bush inherited a recession from Clinton and then had to deal with the attack on 9/11. Because of Bush's tax cuts, the recession was very short-lived, and led to several years of growth and rising incomes. Third, these people forget that the democRATs took over Congress in November 2006. It was shortly thereafter that the economy started to falter.

Others ask, "But, what about all the money we have spent on those unnecessary wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, money that could have been used here to help people?" Bush had to go after the Islamo-facists to prevent another horrendous attack from a group of people whose only purpose in life is to kill Americans and destroy the American way of life. His strategy worked as planned. All of the terrorists descended on Afghanistan and Iraq. But for all the handcuffs placed on our military by the democRATs and the unaccountable liberal federal judges, the war would have been even shorter and more of the terrorists would have been killed or captured.

"But, what about all those intrusions by Bush on private citizens?" The truth is that private citizens were not targeted by the surveillance. Only those communications from outside the US, and particularly those emanating from countries that are known havens for terrorists, were targeted. Oh, and there were judges reviewing those "taps" through the FISA courts.

"More tax cuts and de-regulation will not solve the financial problems we are having," others say. More tax cuts are exactly what we need. I don't know of any poor people who hire workers for their businesses. Only the "rich" have the means to take the risks to start businesses that employ people. Only those with the resources seem to have the desire to start new businesses and put it all on the line. A business' purpose is not to employ people; it is to make a profit for its owners and/or shareholders. Government sucks money out of the private sector. Every dollar of government spending is one less dollar available for private investment. And, what do we get with government spending? Princess Pelosi flying all over the country in a private jet. No other Speaker before her has done that! With government spending, we get bridges to nowhere. With government spending, we get studies on why pigs stink. With government regulation, we get higher production costs and companies moving their plants to other countries where costs of production are lower. With government control, we get minimum wages that cause jobs to be lost. With government regulation, we have higher medical costs because of all the costs of compliance. And the list goes on and on. With government thinking it can fix the problem it created, we have spending bills that contain over 8,000 items of pork-barrel projects.
With government bail-outs, we shore up the weak companies, and overburden the strong companies. With government bail-outs, we reward irresponsibility and punish those who conduct their businesses wisely.

We have a president who has trashed the auto industry, who trashed the airline industry, who wants to put the coal industry out of business, and who wants to control all of your health care. The mess cannot and will not be cleaned up by the people who created it, because those people are only interested in gathering power and wealth to themselves. Even though our own history and Japan's experience in the 1990's, shows us that higher taxes and more government spending do not fix the problem, this president and his henchmen are so arrogant that they believe that the only reason this course of action has not succeeded in the past, is because government did not act fast enough and did not spend enough. If more government spending was the solution, then there should be no poverty in this county, after 40+ years of the "War on Poverty," and our public schools should be the best in the world at graduating the best and brightest students.

The solution lies in true capitalism and personal responsibility. If the government would get out of the way, by reducing taxes and de-regulating, our economy would rebound so quickly that we could take the words recession and depression out of our vocabulary. I believe this because I believe in the ingenuity and spirit of the INDIVIDUAL American. Our country was founded on the idea that it is the individual, free to pursue his own happiness, that makes this country great. Government does not make this country great. It is only a necessary evil that provides some order. The Constitution put LIMITS on what the government can and should do. However, over the decades we as a body have forgotten that or, sadly, do not comprehend or understand that. B. Hussein Obama and his henchmen do not understand this or choose to ignore the limits because of their self-centered arrogant desire to control everything.

Please B. Hussein Obama, fail and fail miserably.

God Bless you.
God Bless the BSA.
God Bless our troops.
God Bless America.

Patriot Mark

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