Friday, June 22, 2007

The Dunces In D.C.

On June 21, 2007, Sean Hannity had a conversation with Trent Lott concerning the illegal immigration problem and the Kennedy Amnesty bill. Sean kept asking Mr. Lott why the Congress (and especially the Republicans there) could not just demand that the border be secured and the present laws strictly enforced, first. Mr. Lott kept stating that we need to be concerned about and need to try to solve the problems caused by the 12 - 20 Million illegals that are here, already. Here is my letter to Sean Hannity regarding that conversation.


I listened to your conversation with Trent Lott yesterday. The more I listened to Mr. Lott, the more frustrated I became. It was obvious to me that he was not listening or hearing you as you expressed the frustration of the great majority of the American citizenry regarding the border security. These "idiots" are stuck on trying to comprehensively solve the problem. It is clear they do not want to fix it.

Why are they more concerned about the status of the law breakers that are already here, rather than shutting down the border? Mr. Lott and his "idiot" colleagues in the Senate seem to be starting with the assumption that we have to be concerned about the plight of the lawbreakers before we can secure the border. That is absolute nonsense. The "idiots" in the Senate and Congress who support the whole idea behind the Kennedy Amnesty Bill need to be collectively smacked against the sides of their heads with a 2 by 4. The majority of the American citizenry does not really care about the plight of the lawbreakers. We want the border locked down. NOW!

We don't need to worry about deporting all the lawbreakers, if we concentrate on locking down the border and then aggressively enforcing the laws already on the books. Once we lock down the border, arrest and prosecute the employers who employ the lawbreakers, arrest, prosecute and deport all illegal aliens with whom law enforcement comes into contact, and deprive the lawbreakers of all the freebies and entitlements, we won't have to worry about deporting the lawbreakers, because they will leave. Once we make it uncomfortable and take away the incentives for the lawbreakers, they will leave on their own.

Why the "idiots" in D.C. can't seem to understand this very simple concept, is frustrating to us true Americans.

God Bless you.
God Bless the BSA.
God Bless our Troops.
God Bless America - the greatest country and people in the history of the world

Patriot Mark

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