Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Animals Do Not Have Rights

Fellow Patriots:
I do not like political correctness. Political correctness is nothing more than censorship of our thoughts, words and actions. I fight it wherever I find it. Political correctness also results in the bastardization of the language and confuses communications. Obviously, there are those whose agenda is to demonize those who refuse to be sheeple when it comes to their thoughts, words and deeds. So, when I witnessed a small example of what I believe is political correctness in news reporting I had to comment on it. By the way, if you listen carefully to the news, you will find all kinds of subtle examples of political correctness. I get really ticked about these kinds of things, because I have a B.A. in English, and I am a lawyer, by occupation. I know it is not earth-shattering stuff, but it is a pet peeve of mine.
Remember the true meaning of July 4th.
God Bless America.
God Bless you.
God Bless the BSA.
God Bless our Troops and our Commander-in-Chief.
Dear Stacie [Schaibel, Channel 8 News reporter]:
I listened with interest to your report about the cat that was killed. My interest was peaked by your statement that the cat "was brutally MURDERED." As a person whose bachelor's degree is in English, and who is a practicing lawyer with many years of defending people charged with crimes, I am concerned about who writes your stories. By definition, murder is the unjustified killing of a human being. I take great umbrage at the bastardization of the English language, especially by the media. Cats are animals. While I understand that there are those who belive that their pets are family members as much as a child would be, animals are not human. Therefore, because a cat is not human, but is instead an animal, it cannot be murdered. It can be "brutally killed," or "senselessly butchered." And while I do not and would not go around killing animals for no reason, I also do not give them rights that they can are unable to exercise or to which they are not entitled.
I watch Channel 8 for my local news because I have observed it to be the most professional and the most objective in this market. My opinion about Channel 8's objectivity and professionalism is eroded by this kind of reporting. I would ask that you and your colleagues be accurate in your reporting of the facts and in your use of the English language. I do not believe in political correctness, because it is nothing more than censorship. I would hope that Channel 8 News, as a news operation, would not want to be told by anyone what words it must use or what words it cannot use in reporting the news. I would also hope that, as reporters, you would not want to become nothing more than a propoganda vehicle for verious single interest groups. [BTW:"nothing" should probably be "anything", but I am tired when I write this.]
Words have meaning and certain words have certain meanings. Please be more accurate. (By the way, when a criminal breaks into a person's house and takes things, that is a burglary, not a robbery. When a criminal assails a woman on the street and takes her purse, that is a robbery. Most people seem not to understand this distinction, either. You can, however, educate people about these kinds of things by using the correct words when reporting events.)
Keep up the good work.
Thank you.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Rhonda Storms is Right

Fellow Patriots:
Unfortunately, my "real" job has kept me really busy lately.
However, with Independence Day coming soon, I had to get this off my chest.
As you know, Hillsborough County has been in the news lately because of the overwhelming vote in favor of withholding funds from homosexual pride displays in the public libraries and all other county buildings. Now, Rhonda Storms and our community are being attacked by a vocal minority. I have not agreed with Commissioner Storms very often, but in this case, she is on the right side. What follows is the letter I wrote to Commissioner Storms expressing my support of her actions in this matter. If you have a few minutes, I hope you will take a few minutes and express your support of the Commission's actions.
God Bless you; God Bless the BSA; God Bless our Troop; God Bless America.
Remember the true meaning of Independence Day.
Patriot Mark

Commissioner Storms:
I thank you for your service to Hillsborough County. I appreciate the fact that you are willing to take stands on issues that are controversial. I believe that you are trying to do the right thing and are taking your oath of office very seriously. There have been many occasions in the past when I have disagreed with your positions. On the occasion of your move to remove county tax money support of homosexual activities is the absolute right position. I am glad that someone, including your colleagues who voted with you, in this community has the fortitude to stand up for traditional values. I hope that you and your colleagues will ignore the noisy minority. I know, because of my long-time residence in this community, that most in this community do not want their tax dollars to be spent on these kinds of "promotions." I am a parent who has tried very hard to raise my sons with a Christian ethic and beliefs. They are very good, exceptional young men. I have limited their exposure to these influences which I consider destructive to the family and our community. I do not appreciate being forced to accept a choice of lifestyle and sexuality that I, and many others, consider to be immoral and wrong. I do not appreciate having my children exposed to that lifestyle. Homosexuals are not entitled to any more rights to flaunt their chosen sexuality than anyone else in this community. I do not want my tax dollars supporting the promotion of such behavior. The traditional family and the values it represents is the bedrock of a stable community, and I appreciate your defense of it. If I sound intolerant about this, I am very proud of my intolerance on this issue. I don't knowingly allow my children to be exposed to stippers, prostitutes, pedophiles, any criminals, or the lifestyle those choices represent. That makes me intolerant of them, and I am proud of that, also. Those who choose to live the homosexual lifestyle, can do whatever they want behind closed doors, but I do appreciate it that they demand that I must support the promotion of their sexuality with my tax dollars. I do not appreciate the fact that they demand that I consider their lifestyle to be normal and acceptable. They are the very small minority. Under our system, the majority is supposed to win. I hope that you will not bow to their threatened economic pressure. In fact, I believe that the promotion of Hillsborough County as a traditional family friendly community would bring a greater economic return than bowing to the threatened boycott by a very small minority.
Keep up the good work.