Wednesday, October 15, 2008

If You Vote for Barack HUSSEIN Obama, You Are Stuck on Stupid

A vote for Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a vote against your freedom and liberty. You would know that if you were paying attention and listening to what the man says. Unfortunately, since you are not paying attention, and still intend on voting for Barack HUSSEIN Obama, you are stuck on stupid. You are stuck on stupid because all you hear is the fancy oratory, from a well-dressed, clean, black man.

I believe the plumber in Ohio heard loud and clear what Barack HUSSEIN Obama said when the plumber suggested to Barack HUSSEIN Obama that his tax plan would hurt his plumbing business. In response, Barack HUSSEIN Obama told the man, "It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance at success, too. I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody. [e.s.] Fellow citizens, the previous sentence is right out of the Communist Manifesto and is one of the fundamental principles of Communism, i.e., "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a Marxist at heart. He has been mentored by Marxists like Bill Ayers. He has associated all his life with people who do not believe in individual liberty, who do not believe in American exceptionalism (Michelle Obama), who are felons (Tony Retzko), and who believe that America is a pariah on the world (Rev. Jeremiah Wright).

You are stuck on stupid, if you believe that it is the government’s duty to guarantee an individual’s success. You are stuck on stupid, if you believe that the government should guarantee equal results for everyone. The only thing the government is supposed to guarantee is equal treatment under the law. You are stuck on stupid, if you think that laying higher taxes on those who make more is equal treatment.

If you vote for Barack HUSSEIN Obama, you are stuck on stupid. It is a given that Barack HUSSEIN Obama will raise your taxes once he is in the White House. He has already voted to raise taxes on individuals making more than $42,000.00 per year. Barack HUSSEIN Obama will raise your taxes because we must "spread the wealth." According to Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s beliefs, the government must take your hard-earned money and give it to others, because you make too much, and it is not fair that you make more than someone else.

You think that we are a bad financial situation now, you have seen nothing yet. Raising taxes at a time when the economy is shaky will take us from a recession (if we are in one) to a depression. You are stuck on stupid, if you think that taxing the "rich" will somehow bring this country’s economy out of its doldrums. You are stuck on stupid, if you really think that taxing people and businesses that make over $250,000.00 per year is a good idea. If you are employed by someone else, think about the number of employees and the amount each employee makes. How much money do the total salaries and wages of all the employees equal? If it equals $250,000.00 or more, then your job is at risk under Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s tax proposal. If you do not understand that, you are stuck on stupid.

Ask yourself how raising taxes on employers making more than $250,000.00 per year is going to create more jobs. You are stuck on stupid if think that your employer is in business to provide you with a job. You are stuck on stupid if you do not understand that your employer is in business to make money for himself, his family, and/or the shareholders. If taxes go up on your employer, his profits will decrease. Your employer will have to cut costs in other places to maintain or increase his profits. The largest expense of many businesses is the amount the business has to pay its employees. Most of the other expenses of the business, like supplies, utilities, etc., are fixed. Therefore, the easiest place to cut costs is in the amount the employer pays for employees. You are stuck on stupid, if you think that your employer, once Barack HUSSEIN Obama raises his taxes, will not let employees go to save costs.

So, if you think it is a good idea to lay higher taxes on the "rich," then you are voting for people to lose their jobs. You are stuck on stupid, if you do not understand that it is the "rich" that create the jobs. You are stuck on stupid, if you think that the government should tell people how much they can make before they are punished by higher taxes. How does that promote freedom and liberty? You are stuck on stupid, if you think it does.

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