Tuesday, August 19, 2008

In God We Trust

On MSNBC's web site there is a live vote being conducted which asks:

"Should the motto 'In God We Trust' be removed from U.S. currency? So far, the vote is 67% against removal of the motto ( http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10103521/ ). I then posted the following in the section devoted to comments about the story:

Unless you are a history revisionist, you know that our Founding Fathers believed that God's hand was involved in the work that they were doing to create the grand experiment called the United States of America. They put their trust in God that He would counsel and guide them in their quest to create a free nation that recognized and upheld each citizen's unalienable, God-given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, among others.

They truly believed in the free exercise of one's religion, even in the public square, and even while serving in the government. References to God and other Biblical references are found in many of speeches they gave, in many of their writings, and in many of the monuments and buildings they built. They saw nothing wrong with, and in fact, considered it good governance to set aside places and times for prayer.

They truly believed that this experiment they were setting in motion would not succeed, and in fact would fail miserably, if God's guidance and blessings were not sought by the leaders of the nation. They knew that the government they were creating could not succeed unless the elected leaders were moral, God-fearing people. This is clearly stated in the Federalist Papers.

They knew that they could not succeed in throwing off the shackles of involuntary servitude to England and the King without God's intercession. They knew that they could not establish this free nation without God's guidance and blessings. As men of the Enlightenment, they had studied the great philosophers and historians. They studied and quoted the Bible. They knew the history of the Roman and Grecian Empires. They knew that the dark side of human nature tended toward either anarchy or tyranny. They had already experienced tyranny at the hands of the King of England. They knew that anarchy reigned in the last days of Rome and Greece.

They trusted in God to guide them to do the right things to create this new nation. They trusted in God to bless their efforts to create a nation founded on the idea that all men are created equal by God. In my view, it is because they and the majority of the citizens believed and trusted in God, that this country became the wealthiest and most powerful in the world as quickly as it did. It is not the establishment of a religion to recognize and memorialize the indisputable fact that our Founding Fathers did trust in God as they set about creating the greatest country that has ever existed in the history of man.

God Bless You.
God Bless America
God Bless the BSA.
God Bless our Troops.
Patriot Mark

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Thank Our Military

We all need to remember this, especially at this time in our Nation's history.
God Bless You.
God Bless America.
God Bless the BSA
God Bless our Troops.
Patriot Mark
Thank Our Military

"It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.
It is the soldier, who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protestor to burn the flag."
--Father Denis Edward O'Brien/USMC

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Friday, August 01, 2008

Words From a Soldier on the Ground in Iraq

A friend of mine, who is retired from the U.S. Air Force, sent me this message. I thought you might find it interesting. Of course, the Barack media networks will not give you any of the positive information.

God Bless you.

God Bless America.

Here are a few words from a Citadel classmate of mine who is back in Iraq (for about the 3rd time). He is on the ground and I assure you he knows what he is talking about.

Hello All. Hope all is well with you.
This is my update from Baghdad, from my foxhole, as I see it. I will be here for 12 more months, so I will send these from time to time.
We are told that Baghdad is getting better, and I can only assume that it is. It is hard for any soldier to judge this as we are sent to the bad areas that need a lot help. They don't send us to the quiet areas. ;)
Politics. The locals here in Iraq are following the US election carefully, and they want the US out of here. They see Obama as the way to make this happen. Even if we leave Iraq, there is still much work to do in Afghanistan. ..... a lot. Nobody hates war more than a soldier, but we know that it has to be done.
The roadside bombs continue to be our biggest threat. Mac McCarl is helping to solve this problem. Thanks, Mac !
I think if we could get men, women and lots of alcohol in the same room, at the same time here, we could solve many of the problems here. It would sure make me feel better. ;)
. . . Industry and the private sector is the unsung hero in this war. Civilians provide most of the essential services here like food, water, hospitals, logistics and technology, so that frees up soldiers to fight wars. We need their help in a big way. We just do not have enough soldiers to go 'outside of the wire' to do all that needs to be done.
Morale is good, but we all look forward to coming home as soon as possible. We miss our families and friends.Intel is the best I have ever seen. Why ? Most of it is now bubbling up from the bottom / from the squad leaders and the individual soldiers vs from the top.
We are now the best trained US Army that I have ever seen, especially the NCO corps. These NCOs and privates are remarkable and they get the job done. I do not think as highly of the officer corps, we still have much work to do there. I think you should be a good NCO for several years, prove yourself and learn, before you can become an officer.
Operations are getting better, but every bullet we fire gets investigated. We hate the investigations, the legal reviews, the "mother may I" approach before we can do anything, and the general handcuffing that we feel as soldiers in the field. Fortunately, all of my soldiers are professionals, and they just do the right things for the right reasons. Someone else can do the 'Monday Morning Quarterbacking' after we are safe back at home. I do not worry about legal reviews when we are being shot at for two reasons. Number 1 ............ . I am a retiree recall, and as such, I can not be promoted, so I ain't bucking for promotion. Number 2 ............ ... I know Bart Daniel, and his number is on speed dial if I need him.
Supply and logistics are the best I have ever seen. We want for nothing ............ except alcohol and our beautiful wives. We miss our wives and kids so very much. They, and God, are the rocks that we cling to.
The equipment here is worn out and shot up, so if you have to vote to buy new equipment for the Army, just know that it is long overdue. Thanks!
Technology is remarkable! It could not be any better, but it will get better and better.
General Petraeus did a great job here. Please send him a letter thanking him. He is a great guy.
Please yell if you have questions, or concerns. And please do not feel obligated to agree with my views, they are only my views. We are all friends, so we can disagree and still be friends.
Warm Regards,

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