Saturday, March 15, 2008

Workable Immigration Plan

This is the contents of an e-mail I wrote in May, 2006, with a very common-sense approach to the problems we are having with the illegal aliens invading our nation. Unfortunately, there has not been much improvement since then. Thus, this is still very relevant.

The wimpiness (or is it ignorance) of the U.S. Senate really gets my blood boiling; I need a dozen rolls of duct tape to keep the parts of my head together. I cannot believe how easily these supposed intelligent elites are swayed and influenced against the will of the great majority of their constituencies by the lies of the leftists. What is happening is nothing short of an invasion and conquest using ILLEGALs as the weapon. This is not about the jobs that Americans will not do; it is about the wages Americans will not take.

While I believe in President Bush and voted for him twice, he and the Senate are flat out wrong on this issue. They, like many others, has been brainwashed by the lies, and half-truths of the leftists (including the liberal mainstream media, Hollywood, and the other lefties). The effect on the economy by having the ILLEGALs here is negative, inasmuch as it is estimated that the cost of welfare, free medical care, extra schooling, etc., amounts to no less than $65 BILLION each year. As a result of the excess cost of dealing with the problems created by the ILLEGALS, hospitals have been forced to close, communities are going bankrupt, private property is being destroyed and stolen, etc. Neither Bush nor the Senate have admitted what the real problem is.

We need to get a handle on the real problem, first. The problem, which has not been widely admitted, is that are borders are not secure, and that we are being invaded. Having a comprehensive immigration plan is a noble idea, but pushing for it without securing the borders and stopping the invasion, is like the snake they recently found in the Everglades that tried to swallow the alligator; they both died. This is my plan for solving the real problem: the invasion of ILLEGALs.

Part 1: BUILD THE WALL, NOW!!!!! STOP THE INVASION, FIRST!!!! Do whatever it takes and spend whatever it takes to stop the flow of humanity from crossing the border.

Part 2 of Mark's Plan to solve the invasion of the ILLEGALs: send the military just on the other side of the Rio Grande, take a piece of property, fence it in and call it Guantanamo, Mexico. Then, when we catch the ILLEGALs coming across our border, they are taken to G'itmo, Mex and dropped off. Let Amnesty International, the leftists in the Catholic Church, and the rest of the leftist weenies in the world community deal with feeding, etc., since they are so concerned about their welfare. Of course, the U.S. will pay Mexico a very few pesos for the wasteland we use to house the ILLEGALs. We will respect Mexico enough to compensate them for what the land is worth. (Of course, once we set up G'itmo, Mex, the value of the land will probably rise, immediately.) Make sure that no one can exit G'itmo, Mexico to the north. But, leave the south gates wide open for everyone to exit into Mexico.

Part 3 of Mark's Plan: make crossing the border a Felony. Make assisting or hiring any ILLEGAL a felony. Enforce these laws strictly, with huge fines and hard time in prison. In fact, the abettors could be imprisoned in G'itmo, Mex along with the ILLEGALs they abetted. The last time I looked at the criminal laws, abetting a criminal in a criminal act and conspiring to commit a crime are crimes and are punishable similarly to the main crime. What makes this situation any different than conspiring to commit murder or aiding and abetting in the escape of a murderer?

Part 4 of Mark's Plan: Make it a crime for any city, state, county, etc. to establish itself as a sanctuary for ILLEGALs. Any governmental entity and the state that allows the governmental subdivision to try or continue to maintain a sanctuary will have all Federal Tax money cut off. If necessary declare martial law in those places and send in the National Guard to keep the peace. This is a Federal Issue; not a state issue. Therefore, the Federal Government should preempt the states, cities, etc., and exercise the Federal power, here.

Part 5 of Mark's Plan: No welfare benefits, no free school, no medical care, no special teaching in Spanish, etc., for anyone who cannot prove that they are a citizen or here legally.

Part 6 of Mark's Plan: All law enforcement agencies will check legal status, and if an ILLEGAL is discovered, that ILLEGAL is taken into custody and immediately sent to G'itmo, Mex. Make it a crime for any city, state, county, etc., to prohibit law enforcement from enforcing the law regarding ILLEGAL immigration. The violating governmental entities will have their Federal Tax Funding and Grants stopped, immediately. And, if necessary, Part 4 of Mark's Plan will go into effect.

Part 7 of Mark's Plan: No more "anchor" babies. No child born in the U.S. can become a citizen unless the mother is a citizen. This will immediately stop the flow of these pregnant women coming across our borders to give birth. This would also help the hospitals because it will drastically reduce the numbers of ILLEGALs using the hospital ERs for their pre-natal and gynecological medical care. Further, no more allowances for family members to come to the U.S., unless they are immediate family, and can prove that the individuals already here are legally here.

Part 8 of Mark’s Plan: Freeze all transfers of money from U.S. Banks and financial institutions, including Western Union wires and the like to Mexico, and including any other foreign banks or financial institutions with branches in the U.S., unless the sender can prove that they are legally in this country. All moneys frozen can go to defray and offset the costs incurred by giving all these freebies to the ILLEGALs. Of course, legitimated transfers will be allowed.

Once these kinds of steps are taken, we will not need to worry about finding and removing the 12 Million or more ILLEGALs. Once the ILLEGALs cannot receive the advantages of this country, they will go back in what could be called reverse immigration. If they cannot receive the benefits of this country, they will not come. Once the invasion is stopped and the flow of humanity is cut off, then let's talk about comprehensive immigration reform. Although, we probably will not need to change much, after we have gotten control over the flow of humanity.

As I wrote to Bill Nelson, Mel Martinez, Pres. Bush and Mike Bilirakis when those demonstrations in support of ILLEGALs (i.e., law breakers) began:"It feels like we are in the Twilight Zone, when the criminals (Illegals) have the temerity to protest the strengthening of laws that they have violated. . . . I use the following analogy: This is my home. I have the right, and the obligation to my family, to keep all criminals out of my house and to protect my family from the criminals. That means that I lock my doors at night and when I go out. We have been leaving the doors and windows to our home open for too long. New locks, doors and windows need to be installed to keep the criminals out. This is especially so in a time of war. The analogy can be carried further in this way: It is as if the criminals are marching and protesting outside of my house after they have broken in and taken my property, because I suggested to my neighbor that I should begin locking my doors and windows to keep them out and to protect my family and my property. That is what the marches by the illegals and their supporters represent.

This country is our home and we have the right, the duty and the obligation to keep the criminals out, to protect our family and our property. If you vote for anything less than the complete closing of the borders and strict enforcement against all of the lawbreakers, be they illegals, or those who enable, encourage, assist and/or employ them, you are refusing to protect your 'house,' your 'family,' and your 'property.' Upholding the law works every time it is tried. I am not against immigration--my great grandparents emigrated here in 1910--I am against criminals. These illegals and their advocates are criminals and need to be stopped. Do the right thing: Vote to protect our 'house,' and vote against any bill that calls for anything that even hints at amnesty or a guest worker program."

God Bless you.
God Bless the BSA.
God Bless our Troops.
God Bless America

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Friday, March 14, 2008

More Conservatism Needed

The following is a statement which I believe is wrong, but which, due to the propoganda of the "mainstream, drive-by media," is a widely held belief of many weak-minded people in this country:

[It is] "folly" [to believe] that Conservatism is in any way an advancement of the human condition. It is at best an attempt at status quo or as Webster defines it: "a resistance to change". But at its worst is represents de-evolution in the terms of the civilized world.

Here is my response, which friends have asked me to post. Enjoy.

I hate to say it, but [the author of the above comment] seems to be the one who is hung up on labels. Furthermore, [the author] appears to have bought into the leftist propaganda which denigrates Conservatism and demonizes it. The best example of Conservatism, as a philosophy and an idea, is represented by the South Pacific adage: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach that same man to fish and you feed him for life.” Modern American Conservatism promotes the ideals that we have more freedom when government is limited, when taxes are low, when the citizens are well educated, and when they are actively engaged and involved in the political process in their communities. It is grounded in the belief that the people should be self-determining and self-reliant, that the power is in the hands of the citizens, not the government, and that this country is great because ordinary people have the freedom to do extraordinary things that benefit themselves and, ultimately, society as a whole. It is grounded in the belief that freedom provides opportunities which the individual must take or go after. Opportunity is not given by government. Modern Conservatism is based on the idea that God has blessed us with talents that we are free to use to better ourselves and our families, and that if we take advantage of those talents and the freedom God has granted us, we will be further blessed with God’s bounty.

The progressive (i.e., socialistic or communistic) view is that government is the source of all things; that people cannot take care of themselves without the government doing it for them; that those that have more must have it confiscated to make it fair; that equal results are more important than equal opportunity; and that bigger government is better.

I have worked in government and I have worked in an industry regulated highly by government. I discovered very quickly that government produces nothing but bureaucracy and paperwork, that there is no incentive to do a good job and that there is no accountability to do a more efficient or better job. I also realized that the more the government regulates, the less free the citizens are, and that the more government regulates, the more expensive things become.

Conservatism is not bad. It is the nature of some people, who act only out of greed or evil or bad intentions, that is bad. Big government does not change human nature. Rather, big government promotes the worst of human nature. Big government represents the lust for power, for power’s sake. Big government promotes greed and corruption, because there is no fiscal accountability. Big government promotes laziness and sloth, because there is no incentive to do anything better, more efficiently, or more cost effectively. Big government destroys human dignity and self-determination. Big government destroys individuality, because the only thing that matters is the number of people “served” not how well they are served. Big government promotes reliance rather than independence.

Big government did not settle the land west of the Appalachian Mountains after the Revolutionary War. Individuals settled those lands. Individuals went over those mountains, seeking a better life for themselves and their families. They went on their own. And they basically took with them the Bible, an ax, and a gun. They built communities on their own, without government involvement. Only after enough people settled in an area were governments established. The pioneering spirit was carried by individuals. Big Government would have quashed the desire to move west to better one’s life. Big Government did not create a nation that in a very short time became the most powerful, most wealthy, and most free that has ever existed in the history of man. It was ordinary people who had the freedom to pursue their dreams and who did extraordiary things that created this nation. Big Government would have destroyed this country's extraordinary growth.

While they use the words freedom and liberty incessantly, the liberals, leftists, and progressives are not interested in the individual or in freedom. They are only interested in using government to force people to live their lives the way they think they should live them. Liberals, leftists, and progressives cannot be hypocrites, because they have no standards or morals to measure their actions against. Progressives (who are nothing more than socialists and communists) believe that those who have more must have gotten it by cheating or by taking from others, and that government must be the tool to confiscate these ill-gotten goods and re-distribute the wealth. They believe that most of us are too stupid to know what is good for us, so government must direct us. Progressives believe that security is more important than freedom, and that government must provide that security to the individual, from cradle to grave.

As a conservative, I do not want the government in my life. I want to be left alone by government to pursue my own dreams and goals. You may not like my dreams and goals, or you may not agree with them, but it is not government’s job or responsibility to tell me what my dreams and goals should be. Furthermore, it is not your job or responsibility to judge the value of my dreams and goals. Freedom means that God gave me the right to pursue my self-determined dreams and goals, unfettered by government scrutiny or control.

God Bless you. God Bless the BSA. God Bless our Troops. God Bless America (the greatest nation that has ever existed in the history of man).

Patriot Mark
