Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Boot Camp Death Case


As you know, there has been a controversy in Florida concerning the death of Martin Lee Anderson in a Boot Camp in Northern Florida. One of people who has been out in front, demanding action, is a DemocRAT State Senator, Frederica Wilson. In her latest diatribe, Miss Wilson is demanding to know why the suspected perpetrators have not been jailed, why they are still working for the State, blah . . . blah . . . blah. The matter is under investigation by Special Prosecutor Mark Ober of Tampa. (I have known Mr. Ober for years. He is a very fine and competent Prosecutor.) If I were not such a gentleman, this is the message I would like to send Miss Wilson (and all the other idiots who like to stir up the mobs in cases such as this . . . It's funny how the same usual suspects show up with their mouths flapping in cases like this one . . . Hmmmmm.) Here is what I'd really like to write:

Miss Wilson:

Your ignorance and arrogance is matched only by your whininess, and it is sickening and most unbecoming of a person in your position. The last time I looked Florida was a part of the United States of America. The last time I checked, we do not deal with grievances by calling for lynch mobs. The last time I checked, the United States is based on the rule of law. The last time I read it, I found that we have, as part of our rule of law, the basic fundamental principle that everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty. And, at least the last time I was there (in April) Miami was still a part of the United States of America, as are Tallahassee and Tampa. You latest statements are nothing more than a call for a lynch mob, and I find it disgusting. We have a legal system that is the best in the world. You believe that a murder has occurred. Unlike what you see on TV (Law and Order or CSI, etc.), murder investigations do not take one or two hours to complete. Your constant harping and attempts to stir the mob do not help the situation. Why will you not give the people you believe committed the alleged murder the same consideration you would give Rodney King when he was facing charges? Or do you not understand how our system works? Unfortunately, the pathetic state of your education and knowledge is clearly shown each time you open your mouth in front of the microphones.

Like I said, I am too much a gentleman to send that to her. On the other hand, I could write the same or similar statement to a lot of the attorneys I hear spouting off on TV and radio about such things.

God Bless You.
God Bless the BSA.
God Bless our Troops.

Patriot Mark